Why a Low-Fat Diet is Bad News for Your Hormones
Fat has been vilified for years, but is vital for hormone production.
Let’s break it down…
Healthy fats promote hormone production in the steroidal hormone pathways. Sex hormones are made from cholesterol, which is made from healthy fats.
You need cholesterol and if it’s “high” on your labs, your doctor likely isn’t taking other very important factors into consideration such as thyroid function, metabolic health, liver health, etc. It’s not as simple as taking cholesterol lowering medication, which can have long-term side effects. This is why I recommend all my clients in The Hormone Rescue get a comprehensive lab panel done.
Focus on healthy fats
Some healthy fats to enjoy: avocados, olives, organic raw nuts, chia seeds, and/or ground flax seeds. Nuts and seeds should be refrigerated (oils can become rancid in heat) and enjoyed as *condiments* or a small snack (don’t overdo it or use them to replace animal protein).
Cooking with healthy fat is a good way to get your daily intake (I recommend about 2 tbsp per meal), but please avoid canola, vegetable, corn, and soybean oils. Instead, try: coconut oil, avocado oil (make sure it’s 100% pure avocado), grass-fed butter, ghee, tallow, and/or extra virgin olive oil (avoid using extra virgin olive oil at a high temperature; it’s best for raw foods, salads or tossed into cooked veggies.
Don’t forget about protein
We can’t talk about fat without talking about PROTEIN. Specifically, animal protein. This is a MUST – and guess what’s in animal protein? Fat.
Clean animal protein and seafood are packed with vitamins, minerals and amino acids your body needs. Pasture-raised, grass-fed, finished and/or wild-caught are preferred, without added growth hormones or use of antibiotics. Some to incorporate into your meals: beef, chicken, pork, eggs, turkey, lamb, salmon, arctic cod, flounder, mackerel, scallops, anchovies, sardines, goat and sheep cheese or yogurts.
Want a more in-depth food & movement plan to support hormone health? Grab The Peri What?! Guide HERE.