Hey, I’m Claudia Petrilli, Functional Health Coach, Integrative Nutrition Coach, creator of The Perimenopause Method program, and host of Perimenopause Simplified podcast.
I help women 35+ optimize their hormone health, so they can improve their energy, sleep, mood, and confidence – without hormonal birth control or being dismissed by another doctor.
But it wasn’t always this way…
I struggled with debilitating periods and went on hormonal birth control in hopes it would help. While my periods improved, I started to feel “off”. I became irritable, my sleep was terrible, I gained weight, had no libido, felt depressed, developed thyroid nodules, cystic breasts, headaches, and eventually, stopped getting a period. Yup, my 20s were a blast.
I knew in my gut something was wrong, so I went to my doctor. I remember sitting in her office, describing my symptoms, hopeful she would have answers. Instead she said: “It’s normal to skip periods – you should enjoy it! Or we can try another birth control pill”.
That was the moment I realized I had to advocate for my health. I wanted answers and to feel like myself again. So I found a new doctor and demanded more testing.
We discovered my prolactin hormone was elevated, which led to me being diagnosed with a prolactinoma, a benign tumor on my pituitary gland that overproduces prolactin.
I took medication for a year to shrink the tumor. But I really wanted to dig deeper to have a better understanding of WHY there was dysfunction in my body. I wanted to address underlying imbalances and not have to take medication for the rest of my life.
I decided to seek out a functional medicine practitioner. She did comprehensive blood work and we addressed my diet, lifestyle, stress level, nutritional deficiencies, and gut health.
She gave me steps to take to improve my health overall. With consistent changes and support, my prolactin level stabilized and I felt better than I had in years. My periods, mood, energy, and libido improved. And I even lost some weight!
I knew there had to be other women struggling with hormone imbalances. I became so passionate about helping others that I went back to school and dove deep into functional health and women’s hormones. What I learned literally changed my life.
Over a decade later, I’ve helped hundreds of women optimize their hormone health with the proven system I share in my transformative program, The Perimenopause Method.
Now, as a woman in my 40s, I understand what it’s like to navigate the hormonal chaos that comes with this stage of life: sleepless nights, mood swings, heavy periods, hair loss, weight loss resistance (or that stubborn belly fat), vaginal dryness, forgetfulness, joint pain, and other “fun” stuff.
And I know that going to your doctor usually ends with a prescription for hormonal birth control, antidepressants, or the dismissive “it’s just part of getting older” line.
Well, I’m here to tell you that’s UNACCEPTABLE and you do NOT have to settle for mediocre healthcare. In fact, please don’t. This stage of life is a critical one, where we simply must take control of our health and advocate for ourselves. There are solutions and I can help you find them.
When I’m not coaching clients, digging into their cases or learning, I love spending time outdoors with my partner, Michael, and our crazy (but adorable) fur baby, Dawson.
I practice a functional approach to women’s hormone health, guiding clients on how to improve their dietary habits, sleep, nervous system, digestion, movement, detoxification, mindset, and more – with practical action steps and sustainable changes.
I utilize leading-edge functional testing like HTMA (hair tissue mineral analysis), GI-MAP (comprehensive DNA stool analysis), as well as functional blood work analysis to dig deeper into gut health, micronutrients, heavy metals, hormone imbalances, detoxification, inflammation, metabolic health, and thyroid function to uncover potential root causes of symptoms.
My 3-step proven system used in The Perimenopause Method program includes 1) advanced testing 2) a personalized plan 3) science-based education + coaching. It’s empowered countless women to take back their health and feel better than they have in years.
I continually expand my education via courses, trainings, and more in order to best serve my clients.
Not sure if you’re perimenopausal? Grab my FREE guide: Peri-What?! The Must-Have Guide for Navigating Hormone Changes in Your 40s.
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