FREE Masterclass for Women


You’re Not Crazy…it’s Perimenopause! How to Navigate Hormone Changes After 35

DATE: Wednesday, May 15th at 7 pm EST / 4 pm PST
Can't attend? Sign up anyway - we'll send you the replay!
***Enter your mobile Tel. # if you'd like us to send you a text reminder for the live event. (including area code eg. +18181234567

Hosted by:
Claudia Petrilli, Functional Health Coach, Integrative Nutrition Coach, Women's Health Educator, Host of Perimenopause Simplified podcast & Creator of The Hormone Rescue program

In this free class, you'll discover vital information you need to know to go from fatigued, moody, anxious, bloated and energized, calm, lighter, and more confident than you've felt in years. We'll cover:
The most EFFECTIVE way to 
banish perimenopausal symptoms like fatigue, mood swings, weight fluctuations, poor sleep, and unpredictable periods. 

You'll learn why trendy approaches like fasting, fad diets, over exercising, parasite cleanses, or hormone-balancing supplements fall short, and the science-backed strategies that support your changing hormones and truly work.
The top MISTAKES many women unknowingly make that get in the way of symptom improvement and derail your results.

Learn to discern between evidence-based practices and trendy yet ineffective approaches. Understand why generic lab results may not reflect your true hormone or overall health status and how to advocate for comprehensive assessments.
How to feel empowered in perimenopause with The Hormone Rescue blueprint, which has helped countless women take control of their health and hormones -- and get RESULTS.

Learn the transformative, proven system created for you to reclaim control over your health and hormones. Gain insights into functional tests that provide deeper insights into underlying imbalances driving perimenopausal symptoms, enabling you to navigate this life stage with confidence.
Our gift to you...
When you attend live, you'll also receive a special bonus: Perimenopause Essential Labs List - to assess metabolic health, inflammation, liver function, thyroid health & more - all crucial markers to maintaining health after 35.

PLUS: a live Q&A to ask me your questions -- and get answers.
I'm Claudia Petrilli, Functional Health Coach, Integrative Nutrition Coach, Host of Perimenopause Simplified podcast, and creator of The Hormone Rescue, a transformational program for women 35+ who want to optimize their hormones to improve their energy, mood, sleep, weight & more.

After experiencing debilitating PMS, crazy periods, digestive issues, low libido, depression, weight gain, a pituitary tumor and perimenopause in my late 30s, I know exactly what it’s like to visit multiple doctors, get dismissed, and spend YEARS searching for answers. 

I made the decision to advocate for my health, invested in my education, and learned how food, lifestyle, nutrient deficiencies, stress, gut health and hormone decline affect women's health.

What I learned literally changed my life. Over a decade later, I've changed the lives of countless women by sharing the proven system I teach in The Hormone Rescue, so they can feel and look their best -- in perimenopause and beyond.
This really is limited. We only have 100 spots available for the live class and they tend to fill up fast. Reserve your seat NOW and add it to your calendar. 
Need more info?
How long is the class?
The class will run about 60 minutes, which is basically the same amount of time as one of your favorite Netflix shows, but a much better use of your time ;)

Will I be able to ask questions?
Yes! You can post specific questions in the chat throughout the class and 
I’ll answer them at the end.

Is this class live? 
Yes, the class is LIVE - this is not pre-recorded! 

What if I miss it?
I get it! Life can be hectic. As long as you sign up, we'll email you the replay after. And if you have questions, you can just email them to me. Happy to help.

Can I just catch the next one?
I don’t offer live masterclasses all the time, so grab a seat in this class while you can! 
This really is limited. We only have 100 spots available for the live class and they tend to fill up fast. Reserve your seat NOW and add it to your calendar. 
Some of our clients...
"I was dealing with heavy periods, migraines, fatigue, weight gain, hormonal acne, hair loss, anxiety and depression. I wasn't getting enough sleep and had to take naps to get through the day. I was bloated and had acid reflux. Since joining The Hormone Rescue, I’m feeling so much better! I’m more energetic - no naps anymore, I’m able to power through the day, have energy to cook dinner, and am sleeping like a baby. No more energy drinks, not gorging on snacks and don’t get debilitating migraines anymore. Everything used to ache - I don’t have that anymore, my knees don’t hurt. My libido has been better and I’m really happy. I was miserable coming into this program, I even cried to you. It’s been a night and day difference! You have changed my life and I owe so much to you. You have been such a blessing in my health journey." -Shannon W.
"Before joining The Hormone Rescue, I had severe anxiety, depression, trouble sleeping at night, fatigue during the day, was unable to lose weight, heavy periods, mood swings and constipation. Now my anxiety has drastically improved. My periods are much lighter and the "bitchy moods" have gone away. I joined The Hormone Rescue to address my anxiety, which it did, along with so many other health benefits! I lost 25 pounds and am back to my pre-baby weight. Thank you Claudia for educating me to be the best version of myself. I still have work to do, but am putting in the effort every day!" -Carly M.
"Before joining The Hormone Rescue, I had headaches, constipation, heartburn, weight gain, depression, fatigue, hot flashes, night sweats, and low libido. Now, my hot flashes stopped, I'm taking headache medication much less, mood is so much better, sleep has been good and I’m eliminating daily. I’m no longer taking antacid medication and don’t experience heartburn. I loved the modules and access to the tests. It was exactly what I needed!" -Amy B. 
"When I joined The Hormone Rescue, I had been experiencing anxiety, hair loss, hair growth in unwanted places, acne, mood swings, depression, tremors, and fatigue. After doing some functional testing with Claudia and going through her program, my "fight or flight” is gone. I have no anxiety, energy is great, sleep has been really good, I’m not constipated, my acne has improved and I have less sugar/carb cravings. I no longer feel achy and can go for long morning walks with my son, which he enjoys just as much as I do. Thank you again so, so much for helping me heal." - Valeri L.
"Week-long migraines, digestive issues, and no energy were the norm for me. My relationships and work were affected and I was spiraling into a depression, feeling lost. I didn't want to see tons of doctors and use meds. That's when I found Claudia. I had the drive and motivation to get better, but I needed her expertise to guide me through the process. Claudia has extensive knowledge in this space, but also experienced many of the symptoms I did. Knowing that she truly 'gets me' was very important. Claudia explained my labs and we finally understood the root causes of my major symptoms. The custom suggestions she gave in the program yielded tremendous results! I'm feeling light, my mind is clear, I have energy throughout the day, rarely get headaches, and most importantly, I feel like myself again…but a better version. Claudia is the best coach to guide you on your health journey. Her expertise and wisdom are worth the investment." -Liz A.
"I’ve been living with intense bloating for years and couldn't figure it out. Now, I don’t remember the last time I was bloated! My periods are more regular and lighter. I haven't had any anxiety. I no longer beat my body up with workouts. Claudia went over my tests and supplements with me in more detail than my holistic doctor did! She taught me how to understand it all and how to create boundaries between work and life, which was HUGE. Thank you!" -Amanda S.
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